Woodland Archaeology Study Day
Saturday 26th April 2014
Brede High Wood
Chitcombe Road (B2089)
Broad Oak
East Sussex
Click here for directions
Time: 10.00 to 16.00
Cost: £55.00 per person
Click here to download a booking formSeminar Information
The day will be spent looking at archaeological features in woodland and will include elements of directed identification and self-discovery of features. Depending on time and stamina we'll examine evidence of:
- Boundary banks and ditches
- Sunken tracks and pathways
- Saw pits
- Internal banks and ditches
- Braided tracks
- Charcoal platforms
- Quarries
- Working areas
- Dams
- Moated settlements
- Military activity
- Iron pits
- Pond bays
Along with many other unknown / unidentified features!
By the end of the day delegates will be able to:
- Identify a range of archaeological features.
- Grasp the extent and fragility of the archaeology found in woods and parkland.
- Appreciate the role trees play in understanding the history of landscapes.
- Learn how such features can be protected.
- Observe archaeology within living trees
The whole day will be spent in open woodland and de legates should dress accordingly. Delegates should bring their own packed lunch, which they should be able to carry into the wood. Fresh stove-brewed tea and coffee will be provided during the lunch break.
To book contact: Clive Mayhew, 01580 881092 or 07711673138
Email: clive@cmarb.co.uk
Write: With a cheque or official order number to:
The Mayhew Consultancy, 30 Fair Lane, Robertsbridge. TN32 5AS
Trees, woods and Archaeology acknowleges the generous support of: