Seminars - 2010
Clive has appeared at the following seminars in 2010.
Designing with Trees ~ at Kew
20th May 2010
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London
How often have you heard the phrase 'the right tree in the right place' extolled as being the simple, single secret of modern landscape and garden design? It may be true, but what exactly is the right tree? Where is the right place? And how can you decide the relative 'rightness' of either? This is the sixth time this popular seminar has been held at Kew Gardens, when Clive and Peter Thurman try, using both historic and contemporary examples, to answer those very questions.
Avenues, Boulevards and Alleyways
24th June 2010
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew London
This latest Treework Environmental Practice seminar draws on a range of perspectives designed to extend the avenue concept, in order to inform landscape, architectural, and arboricultural management and design options. The conference is intended to have a broad, public, non-specialist and professional interest.
Clive will be drawing on his experience of avenue management at Buxted Park in East Sussex, and will advocate that restoration or replacement of such ancient landscape features may not be the only management option.
A Tree Introduction Timeline
10th July 2010
Weasdale Nursery, Newbiggin-on-Lune, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria
As part of their Diamond Jubilee year Weasdale Nursery plans to mark the occasion with an open weekend on 10th & 11th July. As part of those celebrations Clive will give his Tree Introduction Timeline presentation which examines when and from where some of our favourite tree species originate. This informative and engaging presentation also reveals a simple method of determining just when a particular tree arrived on these shores.
Designing with Trees at Westonbirt
28th September 2010
Westonbirt Arboretum, Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Clive and Peter Thurman's popular seminar moves to Gloucestershire. The questions are the same: What is the 'right' tree? Where is the 'right' place? And how can you decide the relative 'rightness' of either? But the location is different; this time we are at the Westonbirt Arboretum and we will also enjoy rare access to the grounds of Westonbirt School where the historic landscape and superb tree collection will help us find some of those elusive answers. This is new version of Clive and Peter's Kew Gardens seminar - but this time aimed at a broader amateur audience.